The impact of a fire on a home or a business is devastating, and the first human instinct is to rush inside as soon as possible to try to prevent further damage. If you are anxious to do this, make sure you get the green light from the fire fighting department. They should have examined for structural hazards to determine whether or not it’s safe to re-enter the building after putting out the fire. We’ve highlighted important fire damage cleanup tips to aid you in your efforts before the fire damage cleanup company arrives.
Do not use the electrical outlets until you’ve had an electrician inspect your home electrical system. Unchecked electricals can cause further fire damage leading to disastrous consequences. If possible, turn off the power from your home’s main electrical box and unplug any connected appliances just to be on the safe side.
Smoke and fumes remain a threat to your home even after the fire department has put out the fire. To reduce this damage, open the doors and windows to help ventilate the rooms and get rid of the smoke. If your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are on, it may be a good idea to turn them off. Circulation of forced air will contribute to the spread of soot throughout your house, causing more damage.
Cover the unaffected materials and furniture using plastic covers to ensure they don’t sustain any damage during the fire restoration process.
If you haven’t already, contact a fire damage restoration company. They know exactly what to do in this situation. There are several reasons why you should contact a fire damage restoration company. One, they will help you properly document everything related to the fire for insurance claim purposes. Second, they can help you in filing a claim and handling your insurance company since, at times, they can be a nuisance.
After a fire, there is a risk of health hazards due to smoke damage and residue. For this reason, it is recommended you find a temporary place to stay for a few days until the situation in your home can be resolved. If the damage to your house is not extensive, you can stay while waiting for repairs to finish. But if your house needs smoke damage cleanup or water damage restoration it is recommended you seek accommodation elsewhere until the cleanup work is finished.
At this point, you have done whatever possible to try and minimize more damage to your home, but it is time to leave it to professionals. Do not make the mistake of trying to clean up the fire damage on your own. You may cause more damage than good because you are neither qualified nor have the proper equipment to handle this kind of situation. Plus, there are several health risks involved. Dry Pros fire damage clean up in Marietta is a good fit to handle fire damage restoration. They have a trained team of professionals and their goal is to help you reclaim your home and get back to your normal routine.